Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

It's Easter week-end and we are likely all pretty busy with our families :)

I just wanted to take this moment to wish you all a Happy Easter!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Numerology: Cycles

Predictive numerology is probably the part that interests me the most. I do have to say it's not like you get a daily horoscope though. It's more like a simple prediction of the tendencies of a period of time - year, month or day. And whereas I find horoscopes to be entertaining at best, I find numerology to be fairly accurate and a useful tool in planning things. I have put up the basic meanings of any cycle along the side here. So all we have to talk about this time is how to determine what cycle you are currently in.

To determine your cycle, you need to use only the numbers from your birth date. There are two different schools of thought on how this number should be determined. Experience has taught me which is correct, but I will let you be the judge of that for yourself.

The first and most common practice is to simply insert the current year for the year you were born to determine your current cycle. So my birth date is November 22, 1964. I would replace 1964 with 2008:


The second method, which is the one I use is to use the previous year if you haven't had your birthday yet:


Try both - see which one seems more correct for you. Actually, I'd be interested in hearing your feed back on that - along with your birth date so I'd know what numbers we were talking about. For some people there is not much to think about if their birthday is in the early part of the year - for those of you where this is true, both methods are going to give you the same results. For someone like me whose birthday is not until November it makes a big difference.

To determine your cycle for any given month, take the year cycle and add the month. For example, it is now March so I would add:

6 (current year) + 3 = 9

So now I can say I'm in a 6 year and a 3 month.

To determine the day, take the number you got from determining your current month and add the day:

3 (current month) + 17 = 20 = 2

So I am in a 6 year - so the tendencies of the 6 will be felt the most. A 9 month - which I will feel all month and a 2 day. To make the most of this time I should keep in my mind my year focus of family, home and nuturing, then also the 9 for the month of March - a time for ending things or finishing things up, making way for the new that's on its way. And then the 2 of today tells me if I'm cooperative today - that will get me the best results - which I just now didn't do too well at feeling somewhat annoyed with interrupting phone calls! :P

So there you have it - use the short and sweet meanings at the side to determine the tendencies of your cycles and where you focus should be. Next post I will speak more of how the numbers interact with each other - as this is key to predictive numerology as well.

Your mind is POWER
Learn the ins and outs (far too much for me to go into here) of using your own mind power to make the things you want come to be. The knowledge and results are easily worth 10 times the cost - which, by the way, is very low. Because I refuse to waste my money, I would not like to see you waste yours either so I spent a great deal of time searching for a product I could back that also wasn't going to require a big monetary investment from you. If you have an open mind (even if it's just a smidgen) you have to try this: MindReality - click the link and change your life forever. Read more of my personal experience here.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pythagorean or Chaldean?

When it comes to letters and the numerical equivalent there are two widely used systems and people swear by each one. I have books on both systems and of course I’ve done my own numbers with each system. That post that I mentioned the other day, it also alluded to this particular aspect of numerology and he indicated there were actually 3 different known systems out there. I’m not sure what the third one would be.

Anyway, I have to admit, it’s never very easy for me to figure out the numbers for my name. As mentioned in a previous post I have had 4 different last names. And I’m all over the place with my “common” name too - that being your first name or what you are commonly called, so this could be a nick name as well. “Lanie” would be my nick name. Laura-Ann is my first name (when hyphenated it counts as one name) but at least half the people I meet/know shorten that to just Laura. So…maybe I’m a 5 (Lanie). Maybe I’m a 1 (Laura-Ann) or maybe I’m an 8 (Laura). Or if I was to use the Chaldean numbers then Lanie becomes 6 - *very* different from the 5. Laura-Ann becomes 6 instead of 1 and Laura becomes 4 instead of 8.

With or without numerology I know me. For me, the “right” answer is the Pythagorean system is more accurate than the Chaldean. I also, just before doing this post also checked the two systems with a very good friend of mine’s name. With the Pythagorean system his first name is a 7, his first and last a 4 and his full name a 6. With the Chaldean system every single one of his numbers except the birth numbers (that doesn’t change regardless of system used) they all become 2s. His first name, his first & last and full name. Now if I ever doubted and wondered if I just “made” things fit, that’s been laid to rest. There’s no way in the world he is all 2s. With that many 2s he wouldn’t seem kinda 2-ish, there would be no doubt in your mind that he’s a 2. He is definitely not that focused on 2 tendencies.

So once again I conclude that the Pythagorean system is the one to use and is the one I have been and will continue to use here.

I do have a thought or two on the difference between the two as well. Mostly I just think that one was created for a different alphabet and has been made to fit today’s abc’s.

Actually I read some where once the same about the Pythagorean system – in that some of the letter combinations have been dropped. For example Th had it’s own #. Same with ch and chr. I don’t know much of that really matters and I only read it the once …I would like to read more on that now.

Once again I just have to say, numerology is my hobby. If you’re looking for very in depth information or for a full reading/chart try either 123Numerology or Power Numerology.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

All the same?

I was surfing the net last night and I came across the following comment on that yahoo answers thingy. The questioner asked for people's opinions on whether or not numerology works. One person replied: "No its not reliable because to many people had [have] the same number."

I decided that's what I would like to write about in this post. I've shown you how to determine three main numbers. The truth of the matter is, there is a long list of numbers that can be determined from your name and birthdate. We are all complex beings. How on earth could we all be just one number? Or even just three? We would all be carbon copies of each other.

Numerology is the most simple complex thing I have ever come across in my life. It's complex but doable by anyone who can add. I'm going to just try and do a run down of all the numbers I can think of - and I *know* I'll miss some, lol.

Birth Number
Year Number
Month Number
Day Number

Full Name Number
Full Name Consonants
Full Name Vowels
Full Name & Birth Number

Social/Professional (SP) #s:
SP Name Number
SP Name Consonants
SP Name Vowels
SP Name & Month #

Common Name #s:
Common Name Number
Common Name Consonants
Common Name Vowels
Common Name # & Day #

That's 16 numbers. Now you tell me. What are the chances that you are going to come across someone else, with the exact same 16 numbers - in exact correspondence to your own? I think running into your numerological twin is right up there next to impossible.

Simple to determine the numbers. Where a good numerologist comes in is from someone with the ability to blend those numbers and pick out weakness or problem areas and exactly where you can make up for that.

And I have to say, there's even more numbers than just these to consider. There's no way there's two people even who have the same numbers, let alone too many people having the same numbers.

Monday, March 10, 2008

This is just an "ah ha!"

Numerology is my hobby. For in depth information please check out either 123 Numerology (try the free sample report!) or Power Numerology and learn how to put the numbers to work for you to create many improvements in your life. I promise, you will be amazed by what numerology can do for you once understood and put into practice.

For all these years that I've been working with the numbers something just dawned on me about the numbering of the letters. Did you know you could just assign them the numbers 1 thru 26 and it will *still* all work out the same as the chart provided in an earlier post? I didn't know that! LOL


J=10 (1+0=1)
K=11 (1+1=2)*
L=12 (1+2=3)
M=13 (1+3=4)
N=14 (1+4=5)
O=15 (1+5=6)
P=16 (1+6=7)
Q=17 (1+7=8)
R=18 (1+8=9)

S=19 (1+9=10, 1+0=1)
T=20 (2+0=2)
U=21 (2+1=3)
V=22 (2+2=4)*
W=23 (2+3=5)
X=24 (2+4=6)
Y=25 (2+5=7)
Z=26 (2+6=8)

Interesting huh?

Another book I used to have (the one that spoke of the spiritual lessons of each number) indicated the numbers for letters should be caluclated as follows:

2nd number chart

Why would it matter how you assign or add the numbers? In this stage of the game it doesn't. But later, depending on how complex you want to get with the numbers and start using the Master Numbers, Karmic Numbers or any other double digit, it will then matter very much for an accurate reading.

I don't like adding. I *hate* adding. And it's way too easy to make mistakes! By the way, here is a handy trick for adding if the double digits and Master numbers don't matter at the time. Cross off all 9s and any combination that equals 9 and add the remainder. Try it both ways and you will see that it works.

Even that little trick isn't enough for me and so a long time ago I found a numerology calculator online that took all that adding away from me and never left me wondering if I added right to catch the 11s, 22s, or any other number, especially those Karmic Numbers.

It is free so you want it just click here to go to the site. It will make things *much* easier and reduce mistakes to spelling errors only. The calculator has been updated since I last downloaded it, so I downloaded it again too. Now it will determine your Name Number, Birth Number and Maturity/Combination Number for you :)


Your mind is POWER Learn the ins and outs (far too much for me to go into here) of using your own mind power to make the things you want come to be. The knowledge and results are easily worth 10 times the cost - which, by the way, is very low. Because I refuse to waste my money, I would not like to see you waste yours either so I spent a great deal of time searching for a product I could back that also wasn't going to require a big monetary investment from you. If you have an open mind (even if it's just a smidgen) you have to try this: MindReality - click the link and change your life forever. Read more of my personal experience here.

Numerology - Your Maturity Number

Numerology is my hobby. For in depth information please check out either 123 Numerology (try the free sample report!) or Power Numerology and learn how to put the numbers to work for you to create many improvements in your life. I promise, you will be amazed by what numerology can do for you once understood and put into practice.

The Maturity or Combination Number is number is derived from adding together your Birth Number and your Name Number.

My Birth Number is 8.
My Name Number is 3.


The Maturity Number or Combination of your Birth and Name Numbers represents your number a little later in life as your bring these two main numbers together and it generally starts to take affect some time in mid-life.

Maturity Number 1: Around mid life your focus should be on your independence and leadership skills.

Maturity Number 2: Around mid life your focus should be on your ability to assist and get along with others.

Maturity Number 3: Around mid life your focus should be on your creativity and self-expression.

Maturity Number 4: Around mid life your focus should be on hard work, self-discipline and on creating something that will be long lasting.

Maturity Number 5: Around mid life your focus should be in accepting and promoting change. You’ll be interested in many new things, be willing to take risks and love to travel.

Maturity Number 6: Around mid life your focus should be on your duty to family and community. The more nurturing activities you can engage in the happier you will be.

Maturity Number 7: Around mid life your focus should be on spending more time alone, pondering, thinking, and reevaluating. Try to solve some of life’s mysteries, you’ll enjoy it, even if you never figure it out.

Maturity Number 8: Around mid life your focus should be on life’s successes but you seriously need to learn all successes are not material successes. Balance is key to anything related to the number 8.

Maturity Number 9: Around mid life your focus should be on how you can benefit mankind, as well as the joy of receiving your life’s rewards. This is number of letting go and with a 9 Maturity number this is something you’ll have to accept or life will be miserable.

These three numbers, the Birth Number, the Name Number and the Maturity Number give you a quick “snap shot” of who a person is, what they are about and what they are here to do. No matter of the many more numbers you can determine and play with these three are the foundation underneath all other numbers.

Your mind is POWER Learn the ins and outs (far too much for me to go into here) of using your own mind power to make the things you want come to be. The knowledge and results are easily worth 10 times the cost - which, by the way, is very low. Because I refuse to waste my money, I would not like to see you waste yours either so I spent a great deal of time searching for a product I could back that also wasn't going to require a big monetary investment from you. If you have an open mind (even if it's just a smidgen) you have to try this: MindReality - click the link and change your life forever. Read more of my personal experience here.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Numerology - Your Name Number

Numerology is my hobby. For in depth information please check out either
123 Numerology (try the free sample report!) or Power Numerology and learn how to put the numbers to work for you to create many improvements in your life. I promise, you will be amazed by what numerology can do for you once understood and put into practice.

Last post I touched on your Birth Number. This time I will let you know about your name number. When using numbers all the letters need to be converted to a number between 1 and 9 - except in the cases of 11, 22, 33, etc., these numbers are not reduced to a single digit as they are Master Numbers. Here, at the beginning though we are going to use only the numbers 1 through 9. The following chart displays each number and it's corresponding letter:


Let's use the simple example of my name "Lanie."
First, assign each letter it's number.


Second, add them up.
Reduce your answer to single digit

Conclusion: Lanie=5

In the previous post we discussed your Birth Number which generally refers to the path you should be walking on. Of all your options, and others can bring you success too, this path will bring you the greatest accomplishments and satisfaction.

The Name Number, I think is best described as portraying 'who' you are. The Birth Date Number your direction, the Name Number a description of you.

The name you should use along with the Birth Date Number is your full name as it is on your birth certificate. This is regardless of name changes, marriages, etc. In my own personal case, even my birth certificate is not correct, as it shows my name after I was adopted, so even so it's on my birth certificate, it wasn't so until I was around 13 years old. For those of you how are adopted and don't know your birth name, all you can do is use the name you had all your childhood but know, there's another number influencing you, that you just don't get to know.

My full name at birth totals 3. Even so I definitely carry the traits of "Lanie" or the number 5, after 40-some years, I do know myself well enough to say I am very, very much a number 3. For me it was actually quite tough to figure out my name number! In a way, I sort of wonder how I stayed interested in numerology as long as I did since often times I thought this is not me - what is being described is not me. On the one hand their seemed to be some good matches, and I'd have to say that would mostly come from anything described by the birth date numbers.

First I would try with my married name, and think, well it's me, but not really me. You would have know I also did not feel "really me" in my marriage either, which consquently did not go well and ended in divorce. Then I would try the name I've had most of my life, used years before it actually showed up on my birth certificate. It certainly rang more true, but still, I had the "feeling" of no, still not me.
I still had two more names to try. Either my birth-father's last name, or my mother's. I was actually born with my mother's last name since my parents weren't married when I was born. Did I go with that one? No, lol. I went with my father's last name which I assume became my last name when my parents married a year later.

As if a multidute of last names wasn't enough I have a hyphenated name! So sometimes I am called "Laura." Sometimes I am called "Laura-Ann." And yet other times, to all new friends, and certainly anyone I've ever met online, I am "Lanie." Talk about taking a simple thing like you adding up the numbers of your name and complicating
it!! LOL

Bottom line, use your birth name (if known), that's the one that works for your - overall self, your core being that all other aspects of yourself come from. In future posts I will pick apart the Birth Number and Name Number and show you all kinds of other information about you that is coded into those letters and numbers.
Name Number Meanings:

1. Active, resolute, tenacious and confident. Can also be intolerant, critical and arrogant. In the company of others is quiet and independent.

2. Diplomatic, creative, intuitive and emotional. Can also be passive, deceiftul, and depressive. In the company of others is outgoing, friendly and supportive.

3. Energetic, successful, talented and punctual. Can also be proud, controlling, and interferring. In the company of others is outgoing, talkative, and friendly.

4. Dependable, trustworthy, endurance and stamina. Can also be unemotional, impatient, and reckless. In the company of others is undemonstrative, reclusive and unconventional.

5. Sensous, changeable, and impulsive. Can also be nervous, highly strung, and easily bored. In the company of others is fun loving, sociable, and talkative, maybe overly so.

6. Romantic, idealistic, and sensual. Can also be, like the 2, passive, deceitful and depressive. In the company of others is friendly, outgoing and sociable.

7. Intuitive, intellectual, psychic and unique. Can also be introverted, insensitive, and unsettled. In the company of others is aloof and reserved.

8. Original, intense, imaginative and decisive. Can also be domineering, blunt, and tactless. In the company of others is leading, organizing and sociable.

9. Quirky, active, courageous and emotinal. Can also be dreamy, unrealistic, clinging and addictive. In the company of others is companionable, intense and wacky.

So, using my numbers, I am an energetic, successful, talented and punctual person who has to be careful of being too proud, controlling or interfering where it's not necessary and I need to use these skills to master the 8 Life Path of managing - whatever it is I'm going to manage! Management is where an 8 belongs and shines best.

All the numbers have a "spiritual" lesson as well. Eights is to learn, live, eat and breath: ying/yang, what comes around/goes around, as within, so without; as above, so below. Karma. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The butterfuly effect. I wish all I knew the spiritual lessons of all the numbers, but that particular book is long gone and it's just my own I have memorized like that! LOL However, you can always search the internet for those meanings or have a report created for you which would indeed touch on all those things. 123Numerology starts you off with a free sample, so no obligation necessary, and a chance to review what a report or chart would be like.

Your mind is POWER
Learn the ins and outs (far too much for me to go into here) of using your own mind power to make the things you want come to be. The knowledge and results are easily worth 10 times the cost - which, by the way, is very low. Because I refuse to waste my money, I would not like to see you waste yours either so I spent a great deal of time searching for a product I could back that also wasn't going to require a big monetary investment from you. If you have an open mind (even if it's just a smidgen) you have to try this: MindReality - click the link and change your life forever. Read more of my personal experience here.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Numerology - Your Birth Number

I have been studying numerology as a hobby for 30 years now - the subject never ceases to intrigue and interest me! Of course, right along side of that so do such things as astrology (western & eastern) and I also love card reading (both Tarot and using a regular deck of cards).

Numerology is the easiest of them all to work with, you can start out very simply and over time become more complex as you learn to understand the system better.

Let's figure out your birth date #. Some numerologists will refer to this as your "Destiny Number" or "Life Path Number" - me I prefer to be very specific to know which number I am talking about so I call it your "Birth Date" Number - no confusion there as to which number it is.

What you Birth Date Number will tell you is what you are here to do - your purpose in life if you will.

The only thing to learning how to "do" numerology is to learn a new way to add! I would say forget everything you once knew about adding and subtracting, but you will still need to know that too ;)

I will use my birthday for the example: November 22, 1964

The first thing you will have to do is turn the month (November) into a number and that is done simply by using the numbers that represent the month:

January = 1
February = 2
March = 3
April = 4
May = 5
June = 6
July = 7
August = 8
September = 9
October = 10
November = 11
December = 12

Thus my birth date becomes: 11 22 1964

Now we want to add all these numbers up: 1+1+2+2+1+9+6+4=26

When using numbers in numerology you always "reduce" to one digit (unless it is a Master Number such as 11 or 22, I will touch more on Master Numbers in another post).

So the next step is to reduce "26": 2+6=8

My Birth Date Number is 8.

A real quick run down of the meaning of the numbers are as follows:

Number 1 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing their natural sense of self and ablity to lead others or to lead in some sort of pioneering/ground breaking role.

Number 2 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing their natural ability to be in the background in a supportive way. This person doesn't want the limelight and is very happy to be helpful.

Number 3 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing their natural ability to communicate and lighten up just about any situation.

Number 4 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing their natural ability for routine and discipline. These people do best in life with set methods and routines. Very detail orientated people.

Number 5 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing and fostering their natural sense of adventure and love of new things. This person does *not* want to be tied down in any way, shape or form.

Number 6 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing and fostering their natural sense of creativity, beauty and taking care of others. This person loves to be a nuturing force in other people's lives.

Number 7 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing and fostering their natural ability to research, evaluate and share information. Not just any information. These people love science, metaphysics, relgion, etc.

Number 8 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing and fostering their natural abilities for management and production. The CEO's of the world. These people are very hard workers and success means much to them.

Number 9 Birth Date: This person's purpose in life and greatest achievements will come from developing and fostering their humanitarianism. They love to be helpful! The more they can help, or the more people they can help, the happier they are. This is a worldly kind of person - he or she sees the big picture and works from that perspective.

Which one are you? Did you figure it out yet? Very simple and easy stuff! But we all know every "8" isn't exactly the same! As you follow along with this blog you will learn about more numbers and how they each interact with each other as the blog progresses. For as simple as numerology is (no need for complex information and charts, etc - just a name and a birth date!)

But if you want to know much more, much faster you may want to visit here or here.
