Monday, March 10, 2008

This is just an "ah ha!"

Numerology is my hobby. For in depth information please check out either 123 Numerology (try the free sample report!) or Power Numerology and learn how to put the numbers to work for you to create many improvements in your life. I promise, you will be amazed by what numerology can do for you once understood and put into practice.

For all these years that I've been working with the numbers something just dawned on me about the numbering of the letters. Did you know you could just assign them the numbers 1 thru 26 and it will *still* all work out the same as the chart provided in an earlier post? I didn't know that! LOL


J=10 (1+0=1)
K=11 (1+1=2)*
L=12 (1+2=3)
M=13 (1+3=4)
N=14 (1+4=5)
O=15 (1+5=6)
P=16 (1+6=7)
Q=17 (1+7=8)
R=18 (1+8=9)

S=19 (1+9=10, 1+0=1)
T=20 (2+0=2)
U=21 (2+1=3)
V=22 (2+2=4)*
W=23 (2+3=5)
X=24 (2+4=6)
Y=25 (2+5=7)
Z=26 (2+6=8)

Interesting huh?

Another book I used to have (the one that spoke of the spiritual lessons of each number) indicated the numbers for letters should be caluclated as follows:

2nd number chart

Why would it matter how you assign or add the numbers? In this stage of the game it doesn't. But later, depending on how complex you want to get with the numbers and start using the Master Numbers, Karmic Numbers or any other double digit, it will then matter very much for an accurate reading.

I don't like adding. I *hate* adding. And it's way too easy to make mistakes! By the way, here is a handy trick for adding if the double digits and Master numbers don't matter at the time. Cross off all 9s and any combination that equals 9 and add the remainder. Try it both ways and you will see that it works.

Even that little trick isn't enough for me and so a long time ago I found a numerology calculator online that took all that adding away from me and never left me wondering if I added right to catch the 11s, 22s, or any other number, especially those Karmic Numbers.

It is free so you want it just click here to go to the site. It will make things *much* easier and reduce mistakes to spelling errors only. The calculator has been updated since I last downloaded it, so I downloaded it again too. Now it will determine your Name Number, Birth Number and Maturity/Combination Number for you :)


Your mind is POWER Learn the ins and outs (far too much for me to go into here) of using your own mind power to make the things you want come to be. The knowledge and results are easily worth 10 times the cost - which, by the way, is very low. Because I refuse to waste my money, I would not like to see you waste yours either so I spent a great deal of time searching for a product I could back that also wasn't going to require a big monetary investment from you. If you have an open mind (even if it's just a smidgen) you have to try this: MindReality - click the link and change your life forever. Read more of my personal experience here.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Is seeing the same number repeatedly due to a numerology aspect or something different? I have had experiences with seeing numbers and it seems many other people are going through this aswell.
What are your opinions?