Monday, March 17, 2008

Numerology: Cycles

Predictive numerology is probably the part that interests me the most. I do have to say it's not like you get a daily horoscope though. It's more like a simple prediction of the tendencies of a period of time - year, month or day. And whereas I find horoscopes to be entertaining at best, I find numerology to be fairly accurate and a useful tool in planning things. I have put up the basic meanings of any cycle along the side here. So all we have to talk about this time is how to determine what cycle you are currently in.

To determine your cycle, you need to use only the numbers from your birth date. There are two different schools of thought on how this number should be determined. Experience has taught me which is correct, but I will let you be the judge of that for yourself.

The first and most common practice is to simply insert the current year for the year you were born to determine your current cycle. So my birth date is November 22, 1964. I would replace 1964 with 2008:


The second method, which is the one I use is to use the previous year if you haven't had your birthday yet:


Try both - see which one seems more correct for you. Actually, I'd be interested in hearing your feed back on that - along with your birth date so I'd know what numbers we were talking about. For some people there is not much to think about if their birthday is in the early part of the year - for those of you where this is true, both methods are going to give you the same results. For someone like me whose birthday is not until November it makes a big difference.

To determine your cycle for any given month, take the year cycle and add the month. For example, it is now March so I would add:

6 (current year) + 3 = 9

So now I can say I'm in a 6 year and a 3 month.

To determine the day, take the number you got from determining your current month and add the day:

3 (current month) + 17 = 20 = 2

So I am in a 6 year - so the tendencies of the 6 will be felt the most. A 9 month - which I will feel all month and a 2 day. To make the most of this time I should keep in my mind my year focus of family, home and nuturing, then also the 9 for the month of March - a time for ending things or finishing things up, making way for the new that's on its way. And then the 2 of today tells me if I'm cooperative today - that will get me the best results - which I just now didn't do too well at feeling somewhat annoyed with interrupting phone calls! :P

So there you have it - use the short and sweet meanings at the side to determine the tendencies of your cycles and where you focus should be. Next post I will speak more of how the numbers interact with each other - as this is key to predictive numerology as well.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, there has been lots of numerology reports out there and astrology reports and zodiacs and all and most of them suggests good stuffs. But, we should all remember though that at the end of the day, it should be use to decide on what we would want and what we will do about it. Its up to us to interpret those reports and on how we use them in our daily lives.